Who doesn't eat pizza?

Who doesn’t eat pizza? Nobody that I know of. The choice is almost unlimited: meat, cheese, fish, vegetarian, with this, without that. It’s this flexibility that has made pizzas such a worldwide success, rather like the English language really.

The Little Owl

Amongst the regular visitors to La Selve is a little owl. It was some time before either of us saw the owl, but ‘all things come for those who wait’; and one morning, on her return from walking the dogs, Julie came into the kitchen excitedly, saying ‘I’ve seen him’.

The Bell

La Selve is an old sandstone farmhouse, and just outside the kitchen door is the bell, a ship’s bell. The bell was bought in June 2000 at a chandler’s in England. Several bells were tried, several times, for this was a serious matter …

The Blue Gold of Lauragais

The rich history and heritage of this beautiful region of France was shaped by a simple colour – blue.

During the Renaissance, the Dyer’s Woad plant was cultivated in Lauragais, and its blue pigment was traded at the price of gold throughout Europe. This brought wealth to the whole region, which became known as the Pays de Cocagne; the Land of Plenty.